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For many of us, the centerpiece of our living room is the beautiful views.  This is true of Mike and Jill in Dallas, Texas.  They Love the back yard view that overlooks a creek.  But with that view also comes an abundance of sun.

Window with vertical blindersWindow treatments are essential for blocking the UV rays that can damage furnishings and overheat the room. They also have an entertainment center in this room and it is the main is to want a TV so we also had to think about window treatments that help with the glare.

Our solution is Hunter Douglas Luminette and Silhouette.  They are beautiful and transform the room with beautiful light.  They are easy to operate and give the homeowners a choice from complete privacy to completely open bringing the indoors out. The Silhouettes on the upper windows are easily controlled with Hunter Douglas Battery Operated Power rise. The choice is just the right solution.