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Wall styling with artifacts
Transform Your Space With Affordable Home Accents.

Interior design doesn’t need to break the bank, which is why we arm our clients with decorating tips that are simple and affordable. One of the easiest ways to transform a space on a budget is to introduce home accents. Using everything from photography and paintings, to lampshades and couch cushions, you can reinvent a room.

Statement Furniture

Your home accents will depend on your personal taste and style. For some, accent pieces are large. For others, smaller items do the trick. One way to emphasize color, print, or design is through your furniture.

Even if you don’t have the budget to invest in an entire living room set, adding a new chair in a bold color, or a coffee table with a unique finish can send a message. Embellish existing furniture with pillows, blankets, or trinkets that match the new addition to the room.

Dressing Up Your Windows

Making a statement can be as quick as adding new window treatments to a room. At Read Design, we offer gorgeous Hunter Douglas products, supplying shades, shutters, vertical treatments and more at affordable rates. With the right blinds, you can block glare and completely revolutionize the way that natural light fills a space

Stylish Walls

Home accents don’t stop at window blinds – you can also enhance the way that a room is perceived by adding wall décor. Large gilded frames add a touch of elegance to any room but remember that the more cluttered a wall is, the smaller the room will appear. Choose one or two walls to decorate, and leave the others empty.

To change the lighting in a room and open it up, place a large mirror on the wall opposite a window. The mirror will reflect the natural light entering the room and create the illusion of a secondary light source.

Creating a Luxury Guest Room

Have you ever looked through an interior design magazine and wondered how they make the bedrooms look so luxurious? The secret to that lush appearance of comfort lies in the pillows. Rather than placing one or two on the bed purely for the purpose of sleeping, add a generous helping of three or four extra pillows. Home accent cushions also make a wonderful addition to this soft heap of comfort.

Color plays a lead role in the opulence of a guest room. Crisp white linens and pastels will make family and friends think of a luxury hotel room. Brighten things up with lamps on matching bedside tables and your guests will never want to leave.

When selecting home accents, look for cues in the room that you are decorating. A single swirl of blue in a rug pattern could be the perfect color to accessorize your furniture. For more interior design tips and tricks, check out our other blog updates or contact us and speak to a friendly member of the Read Design team.