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Woven Textures light filteringNaturally Inspired, Artistically Designed.

The Alustra Collection of Woven Textures……. only from Hunter Douglas.

Drawing inspiration from design trends and natural woven artistry, the Alustra Collection of Woven Textures was developed as a thoughtfully curated assortment of design-forward fabrics that infuse rooms with a soft yet structured beauty. Like the lustrous silk of a smartly cut blouse or the nubby tweed of a classic chair, the texture and feel of these striking materials add depth and interest to Roman shades, roller shades, and Skyline Gliding Window Panels.

A sophisticated alternative to woven wood shades or solar screens, the evocative constructions and calends in this edited assortment are crafted with techniques as artistic as they are innovative. The dramatic result makes a statement not only on the windows they dress but throughout the rooms and homes they enrich and elevate.

With Woven Textures fabrics you can create custom Roman Shades, Roller Shades, and Skyline Gliding Window Panels.

woven textures in roomRoman Shades crafted with Alustra Woven Textures fabrics create a clean, architectural dimensional look – an Organic look. A fresh take on a traditional treatment, the textural characteristics of Alustra Woven Textures shades pair perfectly with the soft folds and dimensional style of Roman Shades. This classic form is reimagined with intriguing fabrics, sophisticated design options and advanced operating systems that can be raised and lowered from the top or bottom, imparting a bold linear sensibility. Architectural yet elegant, the result is an elevated design treatment that offers the light-filtering beauty of a traditional screen shade, but with the textural appeal and alluring touch of a soft textile.

Truly beautiful rooms unfurl and open up as you experience easy lovely detail.

light filtering shade in furnished roomSimple, Chic, Style… Roller Shades.
The Tactile nature of The Alustra Collection of Woven Textures lends a sophisticated quality to the simplicity of roller shades, uplifting this classic form with distinct, inspired fabrics. Providing a backdrop. For a beautifully designed room, this uncluttered style fuses form and function- ensuring privacy and light control when in use of AMD unobstructed views when not. Innovative features and unique design options make it easy to customize this leading edge roller shade into a remarkable number of spectacular combinations.

The secret to a well-designed room is the selection of truly special products that beautifully weave light and texture together with ultimate functionality and performance.

dining table in room with Skyline Gliding Window PanelsRefined Style…Skyline Gliding Window Panels
Create a dramatic presence with the inspired Alustra Woven Textures fabrics and innovative design of Skyline Gliding Window Panels. A refined approach well-suited to more expansive spaces, gliding vertical panels create a striking contemporary look to cover both large windows and doors. Easily coordinated with Rodman and Roller Shades, the smooth-Gliding panels transform from a series of sleek fabric panels to a discreet stack that maximizes views.

modern dressing tableStop in Read Design Plano or Read Design Southlake to see the exclusive collection of Alustra Woven Textures by Hunter Douglas. You can touch and feel all of the fabrics and test out the different lift systems available including Ultraglide and PowerView Motorization.
Also at our Plano store see all of the new interior design products in our RD Home Collection. We have a display featuring our Favorite Alustra Woven Textures – Retreat color Pure. We love the organic feel of this fabric and we are showing this shade and pairing it with custom drapery panels.
We have a feeling that this look is going to be a show stopper in 2018.

Call Read Design Plano or Southlake today. We would be happy to meet with you to show you all of the fabrics and help you design your room that will fulfill your dreams.