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A home office with Greige accents. Blinds are available at Blind Depot in RichardsonCan’t decide between gray and beige? Maybe you don’t have to, now that greige is the trending neutral in interior design.

Greige is really hard to describe because it’s so similar to some shades of gray and to some shades of beige. It’s really an in-between color, so it’s hard to define where greige begins and ends on the neutral color continuum. Even the name greige is a combination of the words grey and beige! It’s pronounced like beige but with a “gr” sound at the beginning.

The greige arm chair, window treatments and rug add warmth to this home office.


One thing is certain. Greige is a pleasing and flexible neutral for home design elements that goes with most any palette. The color extends from quite dark tones, almost charcoal in look, to the lightest taupe hues and from cooler to warmer shades, depending on the ratio of gray to beige in the mix.

Greige ties together other neutrals, such as white, cream, tan, black and grey tones. This fabulous color also plays well with splashes of both bold and subtle hues, allowing other colors to pop. Because of its soft, neutral tone, greige brings disparate colors into a harmonious whole.

In this bedroom, the greige colored window treatments allow the blue and yellow accents to pop.
A bedroom with greige colored window treatments. Available at Blind Depot in Richardson


This soothing color works well in just about every room and for almost any surface, including:

– Soft upholstery fabrics and rugs
– Hard flooring surfaces, like tile and stone
– Counter surfaces, including granite, quartz, marble and laminate
– Wall surfaces, such as paint and wall coverings
– Bed and table linens

Add versatile greige to your color palette this season!

A bedroom with white and greige bedding, a gray upholstered bed and greige colored walls and window shades.
This unique color pairs well with other neutrals such as white and gray. The light earthy tone is fresh and appealing to any room!