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Reduce Glare and Filter Light in Your Home Office

A home office with Solera® Soft Shades.


For your home office, it’s best to choose a window treatment that allows you to incrementally filter light. This will let you enjoy natural sunlight when you are reading or meeting with clients. Shades will reduce glare on your screen when you are working at your computer.

Silhouette® Window Shadings have soft, adjustable S-shaped vanes that can be tilted to achieve your desired level of light filtering.

Another great option is Solera® Soft Shades. These combine the look of a roman shade with the construction of an energy-efficient cellular shade.

Solera® Soft Shades filter light and are energy-efficient.


Designer Screen Shades filter light and maintain your view.

For excellent UV protection while maintaining your view of the outdoors, consider Designer Screen Shades from Hunter Douglas. They are available in varying levels of openness so you have plenty of options.

Offering a minimal yet sophisticated look with light control, color and style, they are the perfect solar shade for your home office.


If you live in a very bright and sunny area, you might want to choose a window treatment that comes with a room-darkening liner.

Silhouette® Window Shadings with Duolite combine a light-filtering Silhouette shading and a room-darkening roller shade in a single headrail. This setup provides you with maximum light control so you can move from translucent to light dimming to light blocking.

Silhouette® Window Shadings
A home office with Silhouette® Window Shadings with Duolite™, with Duolite have an integrated room-darkening roller shade.


Most of our Hunter Douglas window treatments are available with PowerView®Motorization. Using the intuitive PowerView App, you can automate your window treatments. Because of this, it’s easy to move to the exact position you want throughout the day. You can also operate your PowerView shades using the PowerView Pebble® Control or via voice activation. Learn more about PowerView® Motorization >